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reviewed The citadel of the autarch by Gene Wolfe (Book of the new Sun -- v. 4)

Gene Wolfe: The citadel of the autarch (1982, Pocket Books) 2 stars

Lost the thread, didn't want to piece everything together

2 stars

The first three novels are very good as straight up literary fantasy and read well without trying to mine them for deeper meaning. The fourth one reveals a lot of things but I lost a lot of steam reading it and didn't feel the desire to try to piece it all together.

There's a lot of people who apparently just keep reading these books over and over again and try cross-referencing them against other works and looking up the etymology of the obscure words to try to solve the mystery. But honestly, that feels like a project of diminishing returns. I have one or two short things written by Gene Wolfe scholars that I might read if I really feel like it later but I am done with him for now.

Catherine M. Maclean, Eavan Boland, Mark Strand: The Making of a Poem : A Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms (2000) No rating

This book has been really good for me. Picking up a random poem and reading it aloud with your voice is a good thing to do and I will continue this practice after I finish the book.

Right now it is a little slow going because I have reached the elegies and they both bum me out and also make me feel like a voyeur. There are a few good ones though, particularly "R. Alcona to J. Brenzaida" by Emily Bronte.

Good enuff to read her later work...

3 stars

This book didn't start well for me. The introduction by Douglas E. Winter is the worst intro to a book I have ever encountered. Then the author herself admits it is cringey in the preface. So it took me awhile to warm up to the stories in the collection.

Yup, parts of it are cringey self-conscious 90s subculture stuff. I wouldn't have liked it at all back then but there's good stuff shining through that I recognize reading it here and now.

Peter Straub's afterword is excellent -- it pinpoints what is good about this collection and gives me hope that Kiernan's later writings will align much more with the vision she is trying and nearly failing to get across here.

Elizabeth Vandiver: Greek Tragedy (AudiobookFormat, The Teaching Company) No rating

Content from The Great Courses/The Teaching Company is all over the place. The Rick Roderick lectures from the nineties are some of the best shit ever. Some of it is really bad in terms of dumbing down or trying to produce pop academia. Or weird agendas I am too embarrassed to admit that I slogged through.

Elizabeth Vandiver is one of the better presenters in terms of saying which ideas came from where, which ideas are her own, while leaving room for people to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

I just came off of a super opinionated book, that I loved, about Greek tragedy by someone who is selling it hard but didn’t provide a lot of the detailed background that these lectures provide. So this is good to fill in the missing bits.

Simon Critchley: Tragedy, the Greeks, and Us (Hardcover, 2019, Pantheon) 4 stars

Really gets you pumped on Greek Tragedy

4 stars

This is a really feisty and enthusiastic take on Greek tragedy.

I don’t want to spoil it but there’s a lot of great stuff about why tragedy is a worthwhile thing to read right now, how heroes and wars fucked up everything, and how Greek tragedy gave voices to the people most affected by this.

Sometimes he gets a little off track but he does a good job of reigning it back in.

Osamu Tezuka: The book of human insects (2012, Vertical) No rating

I opened up the French edition of this in the library today and was completely awestruck by the images on the last pages (proving I am also a vampire from Clan Toreador).

This is the English edition, which I own but have never read.

Osamu Tezuka is my favorite manga writer, hands down, far ahead of any other. I think I will close out my “read 100 books in 2024” with him.

Susan Sontag: Against Interpretation (Paperback, 2001, Picador) No rating

I am deep into the other essays (ie: where she is For and not Against Interpretation).

It is a little exhausting and I don't recommend it was a way to pass time while you are waiting in the cold for the bus. But there are things I am really taking notes on. For example, when she is talking about different Robert Bresson films on their own terms but before she diverges into the big themes of his work in general. Taken side-by-side, the former is the type of thing I am looking to learn from, the latter is what I want to avoid.

Susan Sontag: Against Interpretation (Paperback, 2001, Picador) No rating

I am a few essays in and it is hitting the spot.

It was a strategic decision to read this book right now because I am on the cusp of starting a film watching blog. I had a pretty good idea of what this book was going to say but I wanted to hear the thesis in full.

I am reading it because I want to be able to write some prose for my blog but I don't really want to engage in criticism. It is more of a record to myself of what I appreciated about a given film watching experience. (And the same goes for wyrmsign and the books I read.)

At the end of the first essay, Susan Sontag says that we need "less hermeneutics and more erotics" in our approach to enjoying art. That's the sort of bold statement I am looking for from this book.