
started reading The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin (Working Classics, #4)

Peter Kropotkin: The Conquest of Bread (2006) 5 stars

The Conquest of Bread (French: La Conquête du Pain; Russian: Хлѣбъ и воля, tr. Khleb …

This book has been on my list for a long time, so I'm excited to be participating in a small reading group about it. People have been gifting me Kropotkin books for a few years now which have sat side by side on a shelf at home, untouched. My first anarchist reading (that I can recall) was a zine of "The Place of Anarchism in Socailistic Evolution" by Kropotkin that I picked up as a teenager from Bound Together books on Haight St. in San Francisco. I LIKED the idea of anarchism but it's taken a long time for me to sit down and delve in the ideas of others, so I likely skimmed it and lent it to someone without expectation it would come back. With my recent efforts to dig a little deeper into ideas (I'm missing the years-gone book club friends had here that lasted about 10 years), spurred by having this microblog and some initiative, I'm hoping to hit up some more classics. My anarchism has never been based on theory but seeking out practice. Maybe it's a nice time to try to bring praxis back into my life. I'll say, having gotten 50 pages into this, I enjoyed Charles Weigel's introduction, the thoughtful engagement with the tendencies and movements Petey K engaged, an assessment of his writing style and engagement in propaganda. I wasn't impressed with AnCom Santa's short introduction, but maybe his writing will take a little warming up to. Ooooh, I think I have next year's halloween costume figured out...