@uhhuhthem I can lend u the graphic novel if I want !
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Pourriel wants to read I Who Have Never Known Men by Sophie Mackintosh

I Who Have Never Known Men by Sophie Mackintosh, Jacqueline Harpman
‘For a very long time, the days went by, each just like the day before, then I began to think, …
Pourriel started reading I'm Very into You by Chris Kraus

I'm Very into You by Chris Kraus, McKenzie Wark, Kathy Acker, and 2 others
The tempestuous email correspondence between Kathy Acker and McKenzie Wark, shimmering with insight, gossip, sex, and cultural commentary.
“Why am …
Pourriel finished reading Dining with Humpy Dumpty by Reba Maybury

Dining with Humpy Dumpty by Reba Maybury
Mistress Rebecca is approached by a 34 year old Tory who works in a corporate field of creativity with a …
Pourriel finished reading The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury

The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
The Illustrated Man is a 1951 collection of eighteen science fiction short stories by American writer Ray Bradbury. A recurring …
Pourriel started reading Moms by Yeong-shin Ma

Moms by Yeong-shin Ma, Janet Hong
An outrageously funny book about middle-aged women that reexamines romance, lust, and gender norms
Lee Soyeon, Myeong-ok, and Yeonjeong are …
Pourriel started reading White Girls by Hilton Als

White Girls by Hilton Als
White Girls, Hilton Als’s first book since The Women 16 years ago, finds one of The New Yorker's boldest cultural …
Pourriel finished reading Amusing ourselves to death by Neil Postman

Amusing ourselves to death by Neil Postman
Amusing Ourselves to Death is a prophetic look at what happens when politics, journalism, education, and even religion become subject …
Pourriel started reading Amusing ourselves to death by Neil Postman

Amusing ourselves to death by Neil Postman
Amusing Ourselves to Death is a prophetic look at what happens when politics, journalism, education, and even religion become subject …
Pourriel finished reading A Lover's Discourse: Fragments by Roland Barthes
a friend sent this to me years ago as an aid to cure me of one of the dumbest heartaches that ever was. a thorough dissection of love, desire and the curse of crushes, with philosophical & literary analysis. is it theory, is it poetry, is it self-indulgent anxiously-attached big brain shit for romantic nerds who label their insomnia with the names of babes ..? all the above maybe but it's soothing to read something so elaborate
(though french is my mother tongue, I found this translation much easier to digest - is this something about my father tongue, something about France, something about me? )
Pourriel finished reading This is a book about the Kids in the Hall by John Semley

This is a book about the Kids in the Hall by John Semley
The first book to explore their history, legacy, and influence.
This is a book about the Kids in the Hall …
Pourriel finished reading Xanax Cowboy by Hannah Green

Xanax Cowboy by Hannah Green
Xanax Cowboy is a meta-poetic romp that chews through the lexicons of pulp, pop, and academia, spitting out pieces that …
Pourriel started reading L' avalée des avalés by Réjean Ducharme

L' avalée des avalés by Réjean Ducharme
Un roman abondant, truculent, imprévisible. Selon Paul Gay, "Le cri puissant et lyrique d'une jeunesse dégoûtée des aînés" et en …