Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 5 months ago

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Desmond Morris: The Human Zoo (1994, Vintage) 2 stars

Morris looks closely at the human species under the stresses and pressures of urban living.This …

Finished this one out of spite... every time he would say something somewhat smart he would immediately ruin it by what followed... truly the ramblings of an old man... I get it, humans are animals bla bla bla

Carrie Jenkins: Victoria Sees It (Paperback, McClelland & Stewart, 2021) 2 stars

Victoria is unraveling. Her best friend is missing, and she's the only one who seems …


2 stars

Content warning ending

Margaret Atwood: Moral disorder (Hardcover, 2006, Nan A. Talese) No rating

"Margaret Atwood has frequently been cited as one of the foremost writers of our time. …

This was quite hard to follow. It’s a collection of short stories but all the chatacters intertwine, and I sometimes couldn’t figure out who was narrating. Yet I still finished it in a week so I guess it’s not all bad

Ken Kesey, Kizi K., Ken Kesey: One flew over the cuckoo's nest (1963) 4 stars

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a novel written by Ken Kesey. Set in …

too many N words

really hard to get into the first half, I don't know why, maybe it's because I read the french translation or because it was a pocket format(?) second half was fun, few good plot twists

like the idea that it's written from the point of view of someone who doesn't talk and pretends not to hear

NB: I have never seen the movie

finished reading The Federal bulldozer by Anderson, Martin (Publications of the Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University)

Anderson, Martin: The Federal bulldozer (1964, M.I.T. Press) No rating

Content warning last line of the book included

Ned Russin: Horizontal Rust (2022, Gratitude) No rating

cool cool

No rating

fun light read, story takes place in the space of a weekend at a convention where the main character is forced to be... adresses the topics of suburban boredom, dreaming of making something impactful, being let down by life and stuck in the mundane day to day... can't help but wonder if this is an auto fiction?