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Phd student, video editor, dog parent, lover of punk music, DIY or die.
Part of this account is documenting what I'm reading for school/my dissertation.
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Jaytee's books
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Jaytee finished reading Rejection by Tony Tulathimutte
Jaytee started reading Rejection by Tony Tulathimutte
Jaytee started reading The Modem World by Kevin Driscoll

The Modem World by Kevin Driscoll
Fifteen years before the commercialization of the internet, millions of amateurs across North America created more than 100,000 small-scale computer …
Jaytee finished reading Social Engineering by Robert W. Gehl
Jaytee finished reading Culture Warlords by Talia Lavin

Culture Warlords by Talia Lavin
One reporter takes an immersive dive into white supremacy's explosive online presence, exploring the undercurrents of propaganda, racism, misogyny, and …
Jaytee finished reading Spam : a shadow history of the Internet by Finn Brunton
Jaytee wants to read The Modem World by Kevin Driscoll

The Modem World by Kevin Driscoll
Fifteen years before the commercialization of the internet, millions of amateurs across North America created more than 100,000 small-scale computer …
Jaytee finished reading Digital Disconnect by Robert W. McChesney
Jaytee started reading Spam : a shadow history of the Internet by Finn Brunton
Jaytee reviewed Culture Warlords by Talia Lavin
Engaging quick read
4 stars
I read this book pretty quickly, which is testimony that it kept me engaged. I learned a lot about the history of the far right and appreciated the ways she captured some intimate details about individuals involved in these cultures.
Maybe this is ironic since so much of this essay was about her positioning herself in the narrative, but something irked me about her personal anecdotes. I think this has to do with the fact that I am not drawn to corporate social media famous outspoken influencers, admittedly, which it seems like she is. Something turned me off about how she was live tweeting about her escapades at certain events she went to. I'm not totally sure why, though. Ultimately, I probably just want a book on this topic that is a little bit more historical and in-depth analysis of these cultures. The personal narrative I enjoyed the most was …
I read this book pretty quickly, which is testimony that it kept me engaged. I learned a lot about the history of the far right and appreciated the ways she captured some intimate details about individuals involved in these cultures.
Maybe this is ironic since so much of this essay was about her positioning herself in the narrative, but something irked me about her personal anecdotes. I think this has to do with the fact that I am not drawn to corporate social media famous outspoken influencers, admittedly, which it seems like she is. Something turned me off about how she was live tweeting about her escapades at certain events she went to. I'm not totally sure why, though. Ultimately, I probably just want a book on this topic that is a little bit more historical and in-depth analysis of these cultures. The personal narrative I enjoyed the most was probably in her introduction and her afterward section.
That said, if you enjoy reading about stuff like this and are as fascinated by 'the culture wars' as I am, I would definitely recommend it!
Jaytee started reading Culture Warlords by Talia Lavin

Culture Warlords by Talia Lavin
One reporter takes an immersive dive into white supremacy's explosive online presence, exploring the undercurrents of propaganda, racism, misogyny, and …
Jaytee rated Culture Warlords: 4 stars

Culture Warlords by Talia Lavin
One reporter takes an immersive dive into white supremacy's explosive online presence, exploring the undercurrents of propaganda, racism, misogyny, and …
Jaytee started reading This Machine Kills Secrets by Andy Greenberg

This Machine Kills Secrets by Andy Greenberg
Who Are The Cypherpunks?
This is the unauthorized telling of the revolutionary cryptography story behind the motion picture The Fifth …