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Joined 2 years ago

Printer, anarchist, illustrator, & enthusiast of the printed word.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I want everyone to read it and think of it often ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great book, fun, and uncomplicated ⭐⭐⭐ Good, feel complicated about if I wasted my time ⭐⭐+⬇️ I hate read this

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2024 Reading Goal

86% complete! Leaving_Marx has read 26 of 30 books.

Karla McLaren: The Language of Emotions (AudiobookFormat, 2010, Sounds True) No rating

This is a book I've been trying to finish for the past 8 months because multiple, divergent woosurrectionists had recommended it as a "must read" and I wanted to both understand how this influenced their approach to feelings and dealing with conflict and resolution.

Definitely self-help, new-age through and through by a self-described empath, whose approach is: "You can be an empath too". Borrows a lot from unspecific indigenous world views and a bit of eastern world views maybe blended with a bit of paganism (or maybe taking from these cultures is the overlap I see).

I think all in all, it tries to break down big feels and emotions we have into chapters, tries to speak to their origins and what they are saying about your needs, and not other peoples. I feel like if you can approach it the same way you might approach marxist writing, or fierce …

Sidik Fofana: Stories from the Tenants Downstairs (2022, Scribner) 3 stars

Stories about the tenants, not organizing

3 stars

This one was a pretty quick read. Definitely was drawn to it by some descriptions I saw online which sounded like it was about a bunch of tenants facing eviction when a new owner takes over a building and organizing to counter that.

while that is loosely what the book was about, it was more a collection of short stories each telling us a bit about a different tenant who was facing eviction from this building in Harlem and the organizing was pretty unimportant and marginal.

I am happy I read it but I felt like such an outsider to the experience of these mostly black proles in Harlem living in high rises that I don't feel like i have much to say that feels thoughtful or smart about the book. The book itself is smart if at times kind of making fun of things within the left like "pedagogy …

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M. E. O'brien, Eman Abdelhadi: Everything for Everyone: An Oral History of the New York Commune, 2052–2072 (2022) 5 stars

you can have a little bit of prefigurative politics (as a treat)

4 stars

This was super fun. I thought the oral history format was a really clever format choice, like looking into a giant construction site through little windows cut in the scaffolding and only kind of being able to grasp the depth of the pit. I kept thinking about KSR's New York 2140 and how it couldve been the same world almost, but with more grittiness and trauma and explanations about how we get from here to fully automated gay luxury space communism. I'm pretty sure I have big political differences with the authors, but I seriously enjoyed it nonetheless. I'd really appreciate seeing more of this kind of fantastic dreaming from those who want a drastically different world.

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