Technology, Politics, Culture Public

Created by Jaytee

  1. Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy by 

    5 stars

    Here is the ultimate book on the worldwide movement of hackers, pranksters, and activists that operates under the non-name Anonymous, …

  2. This Machine Kills Secrets by 

    No rating

    Who Are The Cypherpunks?

    This is the unauthorized telling of the revolutionary cryptography story behind the motion picture The Fifth …

  3. Program or Be Programmed by 

    4 stars

    "Ten Commands for a Digital Age" - practical advice about how to manage and master the digital society we live …

  4. The Modem World by 

    No rating

    Fifteen years before the commercialization of the internet, millions of amateurs across North America created more than 100,000 small-scale computer …

  5. Culture Warlords by 

    4 stars

    One reporter takes an immersive dive into white supremacy's explosive online presence, exploring the undercurrents of propaganda, racism, misogyny, and …

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