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Created by Emily Gorcenski

Books with my name in them

  1. Writing on the Wall by 

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    How can people of faith connect their religious traditions with the rise of overtly fascist violence in the United States? …

  2. Confessions of a Free Speech Lawyer by 

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    This personal and frank book offers an insider's view on the violent confrontations in Charlottesville during the “summer of hate.” …

  3. 24 Hours in Charlottesville by 

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    A gripping account of racial justice activists who confronted violent white supremacists in Charlottesville, VA, and stirred the nation

    On …

  4. Tit-For-Tat Media by 

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    This book examines the visual-sexual turn in social media discourses in the field of online activism with a particular focus …

  5. The Case Against Free Speech: The First Amendment, Fascism, and the Future of Dissent by 

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    A hard-hitting expose that shines a light on the powerful conservative forces that have waged a multi-decade battle to hijack …

  6. Unmasked by 

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    A journalist who's been attacked by Antifa writes a deeply researched and reported account of the group's history and tactics. …

  7. White Nationalists by 

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    In August of 2017, a group of torch-bearing white nationalists marched in Charlottesville, Virginia as part of the "Unite the …

  8. Alternative and Activist New Media by 

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    Over the last four decades, new modes of communication have redefined people’s engagement with media: media audiences are now also …

  9. Becoming SRE by 

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    Do you wish the existing books on site reliability engineering started at the beginning? Do you wish someone would walk …

  10. Sticker by 

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    Object Lessons is a series of short, beautifully designed books about the hidden lives of ordinary things.

    Stickers adorn our …

  11. Log Off by 

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  12. Black Pill by 

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