The dark side of man

tracing the origins of male violence

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Michael Patrick Ghiglieri: The dark side of man (2000, Perseus Books)

323 pages

English language

Published 2000 by Perseus Books.

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Do men commit murder because they are victims of a society gone haywire? Is gang violence the product of poverty? Overcrowding? Why is rape so prevalent across cultures? And what draws men into war?

In this ambitious book, Michael Ghiglieri, a biologist and protege of Jane Goodall, takes on these questions - and many others - in an attempt to unearth the roots of human aggression. Drawing on literally thousands of sources, from scientific journals to personal interviews, as well as his own experience as both a primatologist and a soldier, her explains why males are far more aggressive than females: male violence is largely innate, a product of millions of years of evolution.

But, he warns, we are not genetic robots, forever destined to rob, rape, and kill. Ghiglieri's message is ultimately a hopeful one: by acknowledging the biological underpinnings of human nature, and then moving toward policies that …

2 editions


  • Aggressiveness (Psychology)
  • Men -- Psychology
  • Violence
  • Psychobiology