Complete, authoritative text with biographical, historical, and cultural contexts, critical history, and essays from contemporary critical perspectives.
... But it was far too dry for me. It also took me ages to read it, and I kinda glossed over the end because I wanted to be done with it. I'm going to give it another shot when Dracula Daily comes by again.
A little bit too much of all the characters basically falling in love with each other on first meeting and becoming best friends. A lot of “oh won’t you be my best friend for life now since we’ve been through this together?”
Characters are a little dumb in places where they really shouldn’t be. They literally just got done talking about how Dracula can turn into a bat, and then Quincy sees the bats sitting outside the windows staring at them and they don’t think anything more of it when it flies away.
Same with how they got done talking about how Dracula can turn into a mist and a control the fog, and Mina goes up to her room and sees the fog coming at her and sees them mist in her room, and …
Just a list of thoughts I had as I thought them:
Very enjoyable, fast read.
A little bit too much of all the characters basically falling in love with each other on first meeting and becoming best friends. A lot of “oh won’t you be my best friend for life now since we’ve been through this together?”
Characters are a little dumb in places where they really shouldn’t be. They literally just got done talking about how Dracula can turn into a bat, and then Quincy sees the bats sitting outside the windows staring at them and they don’t think anything more of it when it flies away.
Same with how they got done talking about how Dracula can turn into a mist and a control the fog, and Mina goes up to her room and sees the fog coming at her and sees them mist in her room, and everybody sees her getting paler and paler, and they don’t think anything of it.
Surprisingly scary in places, and even more surprisingly gorey. Not what I expected from a book of the time period.
On a similar note, a lot more baby-eating and baby-murder than I was expecting.
Re: Lucy – not everyone has the same blood type. I’m surprised this didn’t come up as a possibility to either Van Helsing or Dr. Steward when Lucy continued failing in health after all the men gave her blood.
The ending was a let down after how good the rest of the book was. Build for 200+ pages to this epic climax, to then have it all wrapped up over the course of 2 or 3 pages.
There is a potential Coens Brothers-esque film here in which no vampire exists. Just a nice old count who desperately wants to escape the overly supersticious and paranoid people of rural run-down Romania to move to modern, upbeat London, but is harrassed and eventually murdered by a psychotic professor and a schizophrenic realtor and their cohorts. Do it Hollywood!
Highly recommended; 4 out of 5 vampire bats for general audiences.
Essendo scritto come un diario, l'ho letto seguendo le date (da inizio maggio fino a ieri) e devo dire che è stata una bella esperienza, riesci a percepire lo scorrere del tempo degli eventi narrati.
Dracula was actually quite nice to read.
At first, the story advanced quite slowly in my opinion, but towards the middle it became faster.
Sometimes the story haunted me in the night, but fortunately this was not that bad and it never lasted long.