The Road

Paperback, 307 pages

English language

Published Dec. 31, 2007 by Picador.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

Cormac McCarthy's tenth novel, The Road, is his most harrowing yet deeply personal work. Some unnamed catastrophe has scourged the world to a burnt-out cinder, inhabited by the last remnants of mankind and a very few surviving dogs and fungi. The sky is perpetually shrouded by dust and toxic particulates; the seasons are merely varied intensities of cold and dampness. Bands of cannibals roam the roads and inhabit what few dwellings remain intact in the woods.

Through this nightmarish residue of America a haggard father and his young son attempt to flee the oncoming Appalachian winter and head towards the southern coast along carefully chosen back roads. Mummified corpses are their only benign companions, sitting in doorways and automobiles, variously impaled or displayed on pikes and tables and in cake bells, or they rise in frozen poses of horror and agony out of congealed asphalt. The boy and his father …

36 editions

reviewed The Road by Cormac McCarthy (Oprah's Book Club (57))

A tale of emotional and physical stamina

4 stars

I think the takeaway with this tale is to never stop trying, to never give up. There’s no promise of something better, just the very human decision to will yourself forward. That if a better place is indeed out there, it can only be reached through effort, one step at a time.

La Carretera: una obra fundamental.

5 stars

He descubierto a Cormac McCarthy. Acabo de leer su obra cumbre, La Carretera, y vaya si me ha calado. Por su estilo, directo, poético, duro y bello, que me gusta mucho y que me resulta afín y ameno. Pero también por su temática, que me parece fundamental. ¿De qué trata? Para mí trata del sentido de la vida para nuestra generación, época de Cultura del Shock y cúlmen de la Sociedad del Espectáculo. Cualquiera que tenga mis casi cincuenta, más si está criando a un hijo, se habrá sentido de una forma íntima, difícil de explicar, una o muchas veces, en esa carretera que recorren los protagonistas del libro, en la que uno busca un futuro para él y para los suyos, un rayo de sol en un mundo en apariencia gris, decadente e inseguro, que amenaza en convertirse en ceniza de una manera más o menos literal, según el …