Faith G. Harper: Unfuck Your Intimacy (2019, Microcosm Publishing) 3 stars

unfortunately, my intimacy is still fucked

3 stars

This wasn't the book I needed. It's not a bad book, but it is kind of a scatter shot of relationship, sex, and dating advice. I think I realized halfway through that the issues I face are not the kinds of issues this book is going to help me with. I kept chipping away though, because it did touch on some topics I'm not especially knowledgeable about.

Probably in my early 20s this would have been a very good book for me to read. Unfortunately, most of the advice and information is stuff that I picked up one way or another, often the hard way.

If you find yourself inexperienced with sex, relationships, or dating, for sure give this a read. But if you have intimacy issues due to trauma you probably aren't going to find what you're looking for here.